Private Law

Criminal Defence

Speak to an expert

Your local Criminal Defence Lawyer in Colchester with more than 90 years’ experience.

Whether you’re seeking criminal defence for an allegation or have been placed under arrest and need independent legal advice, our experienced specialist criminal law solicitors in Colchester can help. John Fowlers Solicitors are experienced at representing members of the armed forces in Court Martial proceedings.

Our highly-qualified, results-driven criminal law professionals will strive to get the best result for your case.

Our Colchester criminal defence services include:

Our passionate criminal defence lawyers have years of experience working on both low and high-profile criminal law cases, from simple road traffic incidents through to complex criminal offences. We also have experience providing legal aid for issues relating to military law.

Involvement in a criminal legal case can be very stressful and overwhelming – if you are unsure about anything, don’t worry! Our experienced criminal law solicitors offer comprehensive legal services under all circumstances.

If you require legal aid criminal defence, find out more.

If you need a criminal defence lawyer in Colchester, contact us for a free, no-obligation phone consultation.

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